Tracie Robbins-Beasley, our licensed oriental medicine practitioner and acupunturist, now offers a wide range of hormone and metabolite testing for our clients. The tests check blood, urine or saliva -- whichever method is best for the circumstances -- for imbalances that can lead to physical and mental health issues.
Test kits can be picked up at our office or mailed directly to you. Once completed, your kit is mailed to the testing lab and they forward the results to Tracie. She will then contact you to discuss the test results and suggest a pathway to healing using acupuncture, Chinese herbs, massage or other healing therapies.
For more information, contact Tracie directly at 610-373-7935, extention 417.
Health Screen
4306 Male Fasting Age Management Panel $355.00
4307 Male Non-Fasting Age Management Panel (Without Insulin) $345.00
4304 Female Fasting Age Management Panel $355.00
4305 Female Non-Fasting Age Management Panel (Without Insulin $345.00
3010 Combined Health Screens (CHS, formerly SMAC) $122.00
7107 Combined Health Screen –Extended (CHS-E) $275.00
7104 Combined Health Screen with Homocysteine (CHS-H) $155.00
7106 Combined Health Screen with Ferritan (CHS-F) $131.00
3009 Combined Health Screen with Mini Thyroid (CHS-T) $212.00
Gastrointestinal Profiles
6000 Comprehensive Stool and Digestive Analysis (CSDA) $291.00
6002 CSDA with Ova and Parasite x 3 $307.00
6005 CSDA with Fecal Heavy Metals $368.00
9025 Microbial Organic Acid Test (1st Morning Urine) $233.00
6010 Microdigestive Panel $90.00
7110 Ova and Parasite x 3 $135.00
6060 Stool Culture (Bacteria and Candida) $168.00
6080 Candida Culture $135.00
6603 H. Pylori Antigen $165.00
6602 C. Difficile Toxin $140.00
Saliva Hormone Testing
Saliva collection is generally stress-free, non-invasive, and allows for frequent measurements. It is ideal for testing situations where a series of discreet measurements would be useful.
Salivary testing measures the free (unbound) portion of hormones.
This method is excellent for plotting diurnal/rhythmic hormonal curves when multiple saliva collections are performed within a single day, week or month.
Not recommended to monitor a bio-identical hormone replacement regimen. Yields supra-physiologic laboratory levels when taking most exogenous hormones.
Salivary Hormones
9055 Salivary Profile (Estradiol, Progesterone,
Testosterone, DHEA-S, Cortisol) $190.00
7704 Salivary Profile w/Cortisol (Four Point) $260.00
3117 Cortisol (Four Point) $158.00
3116 Cortisol AM/PM (Two Point) $92.00
1st Salivary Hormone (AM Only) $90.00
Each Additional Salivary Hormone (AM Only) $27.00
3115 Cortisol
9020 Estrone
9035 Estradiol
9050 Estriol
8011 DHEA-S
3455 Testosterone
9065 Progesterone
Serum Hormones And Markers
3035 Female Serum Sex Profile (Estrone, Estradiol,
Progesterone, Total Testosterone, DHEA-S $173.00
3037 Male Serum Sex Profile (Estradiol, SHBG,
Free and Total Testosterone, $173.00
4413 Testosterone Free and Total $125.00
9095 Testosterone/Estradiol Ratio $125.00
4417 Testosterone Metabolics
(Te/DHT, 3a-Adiol & 3B-Adiol) $194.00
7127 PSA, Free and Total $110.00
1st Serum Hormone/ Marker $90.00
Each Additional Serum Hormone/ Marker $35.00
3111 Cortisol
9046 Estradiol
9052 Estrone
8010 DHEA
3112 DHEA-S
3445 Testosterone, Free
3440 Testosterone, Total
3118 Progesterone
3120 Human Growth Hormone (hGH)
3060 FSH
3070 LH
3430 Sex Hormone Binding Globulin
1620 PSA, Total
2011 E-95 Basic Food Panel (95 Allergens) $180.00
2070 A-95 Extended Food Panel (95 Allergens) $180.00
2200 Combo E-95 & A-95 Panel (190 Allergens) $303.00
2015 Inhalant Panel, Regional (36 Allergens) $165.00
2080 Food & Inhalant Combo Panel (226 Allergens) $416.00
2007 P-47 Mini Food Panel (47 Allergens) $144.00
2052 FoodSafe Bloodspot Panel (95 Allergens) $180.00
6020 Gluten/Gliadin Sensitivity $165.00
7334 Stool for Gluten Sensitivity $219.00
8020 Thyroid Panel (TSH, T3, FT3, T4, FT4, rT3) $175.00
4258 Thyroid Evaluation Panel (TSH, FT3, FT4, rT3, TAB) $175.00
4259 Thyroid Complete (TSH, T3, FT3, T4, FT4, rT3, TAB) $205.00
8021 Metabolic Thyroid Panel (TSH, FT3, rT3) $140.00
8022 Mini Thyroid Panel (TSH, FT3, FT4) $115.00
1550 Thyroid Autoantibodies (TAB) $113.00
3031 Reverse T3 (rT3) $95.00
3050 TSH $60.00
3030 Total T3 $60.00
3040 Total T4 $60.00
3015 Free T3 $60.00
3025 Free T4 $60.00
Glucose Control